Length in bytes of Virtual Boy games

I'm exercising automation of data extraction. Here I have a bunch of files in different .7z files whose length I want to extract.
3D Tetris (U) [!]1048576
Galactic Pinball (JU) [!]1048576
Golf (U) [!]2097152
T&E Virtual Golf (J) [!]2097152
T&E Virtual Golf (J) [b1]2097152
Insane Mouse Mansion (J) [!]1048576
Jack Bros (J) [!]1048576
Jack Bros (U) [!]1048576
Jack Bros (U) [b1]1048576
Mario Clash (JU) [!]1048576
Mario Clash (JU) [b1]1048576
Mario's Tennis (JU) [!]524288
Mario's Tennis (JU) [a1]524288
Nester's Funky Bowling (U)2097152
Nester's Funky Bowling (U) [a1]2097152
Nester's Funky Bowling (U) [b1]2097154
Nester's Funky Bowling (U) [b2]2097124
Panic Bomber (J) [!]524288
Panic Bomber (U) [!]524288
Panic Bomber (U) [b1]524288
Panic Bomber (U) [h1]524288
Panic Bomber (U) [h2]524288
Blox V1.0 by KR155E (PD)1048576
Blox V1.1 by KR155E (PD)1048576
Croach, The (PD)65536
Etch-A-Sketch by Pat Daderko (PD)65536
Framebuffer Drawing Demo by Pat Daderko (PD)65536
GLOW Demo by KR155E (PD)65536
GLOW Demo by KR155E (PD) [a1]65536
Hello, World! Demo V1.0 by Amos Bieler (PD)65536
Hello, World! Demo V1.1 by Amos Bieler (PD)65536
Mario Flying Demo by Frostgiant (PD)65536
Matrix, The by Cooler (PD)65536
OBJ Pointer Demo by Dan Bergman (PD)1048576
Reality Boy Demo 1 (PD)524288
Reality Boy Demo 2 (PD)524288
Scaling Demo by Parasyte (PD)524288
Simon by Pat Daderko (PD)65536
Super Fighter Demo by KR155E (PD)65536
Tic Tac Toe by Pat Daderko (PD)65536
Tron VB by Pat Daderko (PD)65536
VB Rocks! Demo by KR155E (PD)65536
VeeBee Cursor Demo by David Williamson (PD)65536
Virtual Pong (PD)65536
Virtual-E Cursor Demo (PD)8192
Virtual-E Cursor Demo (PD) [a1]65536
Red Alarm (J) [!]1048576
Red Alarm (U) [!]1048576
Space Squash (J) [!]524288
Space Squash (J) [o1]2097152
Teleroboxer (JU) [!]1048576
Teleroboxer (JU) [T+Ger.4b_KR155E]1048576
V Tetris (J) [!]524288
Vertical Force (J) [!]1048576
Vertical Force (J) [b1]1048576
Vertical Force (U) [!]1048576
Vertical Force (U) [h1]1048576
Virtual Boy Wario Land (JU) [!]2097152
Virtual Fishing (J) [!]1048576
Virtual Fishing (J) [b1]1048576
Virtual League Baseball (U)1048576
Virtual League Baseball (U) [a1]1048576
Virtual League Baseball (U) [a1][b1]1048576
Virtual Pro Yakyuu '95 (J) [!]1048576
Waterworld (U) [!]2097152
Waterworld (U) [b1]2097152
keywords: virtual boy game sizes


  1. no-intro collected them all: https://archive.org/download/no-intro_romsets/no-intro%20romsets/


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