Some Java Bit Functions and easy syntax hightlighting of various languages in html

Use and for easy syntax highlighting in your blogger posts. (I tried this with that but it doesn't seem to work).

Now the Java stuff (easily portable to C, C++ and many other languages):

    // Returs bit a to b (> a). lsb is bit 0, msb is 63, is returned as String in normal order (msb first)
    public static String getBits(long n, int a, int b) {
        String bs="";
        for (int i = a; i <= b; i++)
            bs = (1 & (n >> i)) + bs;
        return bs;

    // Calculates floored log2 by finding position of highest set bit. 
    // Ignores very highest bit of long (63rd).
    public static int log2(long n) {
        long m = 1L << 62; int i = 62;
        while ((n & m) == 0 && i > 0) {m = m >> 1; i--;}
        return i;

     * Extracts the n-th b-bit number. E.g. extractBitDigit(0xff00, 8, 2) =0xff. Useful for e.g. Radixsort.
    public static long extractBitDigit(long value, int b, int n) {
        long m = (
                ((1 << b) - 1) // Mask
                << (n*b) // move to n-th position
        return  (m &
                value) // apply
                >> (n*b) // shift down



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